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Universal Heritage and the International Obligation to Protect
Day two - Universal Heritage and the International Obligation to Protect
World Heritage Convention: Principles and Obligations for Conservation, Management and Monitoring
Cultural Heritage in Armed Conflict: The 1954 Hague Convention and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols
NYU Florence - (Panel 2) Protecting Cultural Heritage in an Uncertain Time
World Heritage explained - animated short about the UNESCO World Heritage Convention (English)
K. Zombory - The Protection of Cultural Heritage in International Law
1.1 - World Heritage Safeguarding and Obligations of States Parties to the 1972 Convention
(AI) Audio Critical Review: Communist Manifesto from Karl Marx and F. Engels #001
130918 - The insurance industry’s commitment to protect World Heritage Sites (webinar1)
Protecting Cultural Heritage under Siege
World Heritage, by Nicholas Clarke